Original rosicrucian monographs pdf
Original rosicrucian monographs pdf

original rosicrucian monographs pdf

They draw upon the early foundations known in German as the ‘early Rozenkreuzer phase,’ being the early 1600’s. The R.C Pillars are an important measuring stick. That is why, for all means and purpose, Amorc stumbled with a score of 29 out of 100. These three aspects, Pansophy, Trinosophia, Hermetic-Christianity are unavoidable in terms of Rosicrucian tradition. It has been determined that all these aspects were an integral part of our current as set out in the early Rosicrucian manifestos. The reason Amorc did so badly in that review was because I compared it against the Pillars of the Rosicrucian Tradition, a standard I set out based upon the founding Rosicrucian documents.Īmorc has a scant form of Pansophy, very little Trinosophy (alchemy, cabala, magic), practically to zero Christianity. I will repeat here: Amorc does very well in terms of its Spiritual Score. As mentioned there are two reviews for each Order, the first being the Traditional Score, the second being the Spiritual Score.

original rosicrucian monographs pdf

Several Amorc fans expressed some disappointment, even suggesting that my blog post was a direct attack on Amorc.

original rosicrucian monographs pdf

It seems the Amorc review upset a few people.

#Original rosicrucian monographs pdf series#

As readers know this series is set to review all the major Rosicrucian Orders for their traditional and spiritual merits. This initial review was done to measure their Traditional Score, measuring how well they stand up against the ideals set out by our Rosicrucian forefathers. In my last blog post I carried out a review of Amorc, this being the first of my Reviews of the Rosicrucian Orders. It is in fact an addendum to the previous review of Amorc of 2014 which has now been updated and included in my 2019 final AMORC review. This blog post is also in appreciation of those members of Amorc who have come forwards and joined our Facebook community. Their initiation rituals are not ancient pre-se, but they do have a lovely story to tell.Īs a traditionalist, I believe Amorc should be proud of these roots. Amorc probably keeps this little gem secret from its members because they find it a bit embarrassing. I’m going to show you where their initiation rituals really come from and for good reason. Today I’m going to blow the lid off a well-kept secret from within Amorc. B eneath the word Souroe are indicated the w orks to w hich you are to refer to find the subjeet.This is the secret behind its initiation rituals. are the suggested subjects ! for reading. It m ust be fu rth er understood th at it is absolutely UNNECESSARY for an un derstanding of the Rosicrucian m onographs that these supplem entary w orks be read. Alraost all of the w orks are stand ard and can be had in a public library o r procured for you by the library. These suggestions for supple­ m entary read ing will accom panv your m onographs throu gh the degrees. The student who has the ex tra tim e will find this additional reading in stru c­ tivo and profitable. H e will come to appreciate the sim plieity of the presentation oí the R osicrucian teachings in the m onographs by this com parative reading. however, greatly broaden his view point by th is ex tra reading. It m ust be realized, however, that the supplem entary reading is not of Rosicrucian publication, ñor w ritten by Rosicrucians, and th at the supplem entary reading is likely, in m any instances, to differ from the R osicrucian principies. T his supplem entary read ing is intended to perm it the Rosicrucian stu dent to peruse subjects which are related to his lessons. The R osicrucian stu dent who, a fte r giving F ORsufficlent tim e to his regular w eekly m onograph and experim ents, still has am pie tim e for study, the follow ing supplem entary reading is suggested. Posfulant D e g re e 9, M o n o g r a p h 27 AMORC He who knows most grieves most for wasted time.

Original rosicrucian monographs pdf